I can dig it.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Performance of the Day: Jimi Hendrix, Voodoo Child
If anyone can make that shirt, pant, head piece work, it's Jimi Hendrix. Guy can flat out shred.
I can dig it.
I can dig it.
Music Video of the Day: Eminem - The Real Slim Shady
A few months ago, Billboard posted their poll results for the ten best music videos from each of the past three decades. Today, your MVotD comes from The 10 Best of the '00s (link here). I will never understand how this song was only #7. Especially when you consider that the following artists had higher-ranked music videos: Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Panic! At The Disco, and Michael Jackson (who was surprisingly not retired yet). Enjoy:
Monday, January 30, 2012
Performance of the Day: Billy Joel, Piano Man
This is a classic. Brilliant song that I never really understood until a short while ago, which is relatively embarrassing.
Music Video of the Day: Creed - Higher
I love Creed. Remember the last video I said was the best (drunk) singalong song ever? Well I lied. It's Creed. Anything by Creed. The #creedvoice is one of my favorites. I chose Higher because I want to ask my Bullet fans a question:
Fill in the blanks:
"Come on, let's go there
Let's make our escape
Come on, let's go there
Because I have absolutely no idea what Scott Stapp is saying. Wesjuscanyeseah? That's the best I can do.
PS: one of the guys in Creed has a nipple piercing?
The "there's a hunger, longing to escape" line might be my favorite line to sing in the history of song.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Performance of the Day: Lee Dewyze: Dear Isabelle
Despite my opinion of him when he was on the show, I love Lee Dewyze. This is my favorite song of his.
Music Video of the Day: Coldplay, Paradise
Quite honestly, I have no idea if Jason's still alive. Hopefully, for everyone's sake, he is.
Anyway, I thought this video was certainly interesting, I mean who doesn't enjoy watching an elephant try to live the life of a human? And I give mad props to that elephant for riding the unicycle, something I've always wanted to do, although not necessarily as an elephant.
Not my favorite song, but it's up there as far as videos are concerned.
Anyway, I thought this video was certainly interesting, I mean who doesn't enjoy watching an elephant try to live the life of a human? And I give mad props to that elephant for riding the unicycle, something I've always wanted to do, although not necessarily as an elephant.
Not my favorite song, but it's up there as far as videos are concerned.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Performance of the Day: Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody
I can't believe it took me this long to post this song. You can say what you want about Freddie Mercury, but Queen is one of the greatest bands of all time, and the man can flat out sing. Also, this is one of the best songs ever written. Do you realize how many people are there? They certainly put on a good show.
Music Video of the Day: Don Omar, Danza Kuduro
I've definitely heard this before, although I don't know where. Jason didn't post a music video yesterday, and I passed out without a thought of posting one so my apologies for not getting one up. To make up for it, I'm posting this. Brilliant video, brilliant song.
I have no idea what any of it means, but if it doesn't get you up and dancing then you have no pulse.
I have no idea what any of it means, but if it doesn't get you up and dancing then you have no pulse.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Performance of the Day: Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds, Say Goodbye

Some of the lines I love:
"When we make our passion pictures,
you and me twist up secret creatures."
"We kiss and sweat,
we'll turn this better thing to the best."
"Just a rogue kiss, tangled tongues and lips."
"Tonight lets do this thing,
all we are is wasting hours
until the sun comes up and it's all ours."
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Performance of the Day: Nat King Cole, Nature Boy
Here's a little switch from what tends to be an award dominated by pop/rock artists. I love this song and the message it sends, and you really can never go wrong with a little jazz.
"The greatest thing that you'll ever learn
is just to love, and be loved in return."
Music Video of the Day: Tyga - Rack City
Never have I ever liked a song this much while simultaneously admitting that it is a horrible song. Lyrically, one of the best Young Money songs out there - so you know it can't be good. The beat/melody is so simply - another Young Money trait. But I can't stop listening to Rack City. You could say I have Rack City Fever.
The question I have for you, Bullet fans, is this: who is on the beat? Mugga? Mustard? Muhhhhh?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Performance of the Day: Taylor Swift, Innocent

Anyway, this is a slightly better vocal performance than the last video of hers I posted. She's not a particularly great live singer, although I'm sure many people will disagree with that. It's not a big deal, I'd still love to see her in concert, as Jay has stated, if I wasn't surrounded by a bunch of 12 year old girls.
This is certainly a Top 5 Taylor Swift song for me, it captures the feeling of admitting you were wronged and hurt by someone, yet being able to forgive them. As referenced by the beginning of the video, it's rumored to be about forgiving Kanye for what happened at the VMA awards in 2009. Coincidentally, the other possibility is that it's about John Mayer, who she was apparently involved with at some point. That relationship obviously didn't end particularly well, which is quite disappointing because John Mayer's the definition of the man, and I love Taylor Swift. Don't worry, I had to look all this gossip up. I have a paper to write for class and clearly went to extreme lengths to avoid doing it.
And by the way, with Valentine's Day coming up, my goal is to find a way to seduce women with my uncanny knowledge of Taylor Swift music. What the hell, nothing else seems to be working.
Since I still don't want to write my paper, here's my Taylor Swift Top 5 for anyone that cares:
1. Back To December (Speak Now)
2. Mary's Song (Taylor Swift)
3. The Way I Loved You (Fearless)
4. Innocent (Speak Now)
5. Tim McGray (Taylor Swift)
Sentimental Honorable Mention - Long Live (Speak Now)
That was one of the most difficult lists I've ever forced myself to make.
Music Video of the Day: Curren$y - Hold On
I love the $ instead of the s, and I like Curren$y. He's just really easy to listen to in just about any situation. The reason I like this video in particular is the featuring of the '69 Chevy Camaro - one of my favorite cars in the history of cars. If you didn't catch it, here it is:
Beauty in automobile form. Throw some creamsicle paint on there and cut the roof off and damn, you could really base an entire rap video around driving around in said Camaro.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Performance of the Day: Adele, Someone Like You
Cutting this one a little close, living life on the edge. Nothing like beating that 12 AM deadline by just minutes.
Say what you want, Adele's voice is haunting. I feel as though if I'm to die and go to hell, her voice will be playing to brace me for the pain that's about to come. It's scary, it's like a choir of ghosts singing while simultaneously mocking you for what they know will soon be. Anyway, I really wish she was cute, because her voice really is enchanting. That's probably not politically correct. Fortunately, I don't give a damn, sue me.
Although I find it quite interesting, I figure most people reading won't care about the beginning. For your sake, the song starts at 1:08.
Say what you want, Adele's voice is haunting. I feel as though if I'm to die and go to hell, her voice will be playing to brace me for the pain that's about to come. It's scary, it's like a choir of ghosts singing while simultaneously mocking you for what they know will soon be. Anyway, I really wish she was cute, because her voice really is enchanting. That's probably not politically correct. Fortunately, I don't give a damn, sue me.
Although I find it quite interesting, I figure most people reading won't care about the beginning. For your sake, the song starts at 1:08.
Music Video of the Day: Vanessa Carlton - Thousand Miles
If you don't know all the words to this song, either learn them or please don't ever talk to me. The single best (drunken) sing-along song in the history of the world. Maybe that's extreme. An awesome sing-along song that everyone should be able to appreciate. Everybody should have someone they'd walk a thousand miles to see. You don't? The one that got away? Your boys from high school? Your boys from college? Your mom?
PS: Vanessa Carlton.. damn.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Live Performance of the Day: Drake & Lil' Wayne in New Jersey
So maybe this isn't technically what you would call a performance but it's a very well-known performance and I just want to point out two things:
- I am not a huge fan of Drake, but I wouldn't wish this embarrassment/injury on anybody. So get that out of your heads.
- Lil' Wayne showed in the end of this clip why he deserves to be as famous as he is. The man is a showman, to the bone. His protege just seriously injured himself, and he still has the poise to work the crowd and get cheers out of them. And he was legitimately funny, too. I'd love to see him as a Comedy Central Roaster. No doubt he'd be better than the Situation. But no way he'd be as good as Mike Tyson.
Music Video of the Day: Guy Harrison & Cartier Sims - Piff & Orangemen
If you are sleeping on Guy Harrison, please wake up. The kid can spit. He starts at about 1:20 in the above video.
He represents every kid's dream - he's currently a freshman at Syracuse, and he releases mixtapes in addition to going to class and studying. Granted, a Syracuse education doesn't require a lot of effort or intelligence, but it's an impressive feat nonetheless. It'd be like if, instead of blogging, Toph and I were two of the best young rappers in the game. Obviously I'd be Guy and he'd be Cartier (no question about that one).
Also, any rapper that reps Philly is fine by me. And one of the girls dancing in the dorm room scenes is a good friend.
Download guy's mixtapes for free here
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Music Video of the Day: Taylor Swift, Back To December
Again, Jay decided not to do his Music Video of the Day. Clearly we're slacking here at Bullets Blog, my apologies. This is my favorite Taylor Swift song. I love her, and to any girl who's ever broken a guy's heart and want to get him back, do something related to this song. Beautiful, heartfelt apology.
Performance of the Day: Maroon 5, Sunday Morning
I know, it's Sunday night, but after a shitty day, this will do nothing but cheer you up. Unless of course you're a Mets and Jets fan. In which case, you're destined for pain, misery, and just an overall depressing life.
Still doesn't make up for my teams..
Still doesn't make up for my teams..
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Music Video of the Day: Men Without Hats, Safety Dance
This is what Jay gets for not posting anything today. By far my favorite video ever created. Genius.
1. That's some serious flow.
2. Every music video should be required to include a midget.
3. It's set in the middle ages.
4. The expression on the guy's face when he says "Doing it from wall to wall" is priceless.
5. He must have learned his dance moves at around 1:15 from this:
1. That's some serious flow.
2. Every music video should be required to include a midget.
3. It's set in the middle ages.
4. The expression on the guy's face when he says "Doing it from wall to wall" is priceless.
5. He must have learned his dance moves at around 1:15 from this:
Oh wait, after further review, they're making an "S" with their hands, which clearly doesn't pass the vertical line test. This means it's not a function, and would full under the "crap" category. That's what you get for picking a stupid letter that doesn't represent a function.
6. At 1:55 the midget's shirt is exposed, showing it's a Men Without Hats shirt. I was unaware they had screen printing in the middle ages.
7. His dancing at the end resembles one who is trying to swat a fly that's flying around them but they cannot see. Just swinging their arms aimlessly, hoping to make contact. He looks relatively similar to Mike Pelfrey trying to hit. Or Mike Pelfrey trying to pitch. Completely lost.
8. Also, to quote one of the comments on the video, "The middle ages were awesome. They even had mailboxes and power lines."
So many entertaining things about this video. But this is the summation of all of it:
We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind.
Cause if your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, well they're no friends of mine.
Ain't that the truth.
Performance of the Day: Keith Urban, You'll Think of Me
Not a big fan of country at all, but this song hits right where it hurts. For anyone who's ever been in this situation, Keith couldn't have put things any better.
He's basically saying that the girl is being an idiot for leaving him, and eventually it will hit her and she'll realize that she made a mistake. I'm pretty sure everyone can relate to that feeling. That last minute was purely fantastic, so much emotion and honesty.
while you're sleeping with your pride
wishing I could hold you tight
I'll be over you
and on with my life
He's basically saying that the girl is being an idiot for leaving him, and eventually it will hit her and she'll realize that she made a mistake. I'm pretty sure everyone can relate to that feeling. That last minute was purely fantastic, so much emotion and honesty.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Music Video of the Day: Foster The People - Call It What You Want
A different kind of MVotD today. I hate this band, this song, and everything about everyone involved. But I'm going to try to be open-minded. I would love to hear what other people have to say about the phenomenon that is Foster The People
I think it's weird as shit. And I don't mean that in a positive way.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Rate The Characters in Cobra Starship's New Video
It's called "Middle Finger" and it's with Mac Miller. The music video would have qualified for MVotD, but let's play a little game. First, watch the video:
Second, think of all the characters you remember. Just kidding. Here's the list (in order of appearance):
Second, think of all the characters you remember. Just kidding. Here's the list (in order of appearance):
The Hobo
The Guy Buying Red Bull & Vodka
The Indian Man
The Girl With The Art Supplies
The Girl Who Helps The Art Girl
The Cab Driver
The Basketball Players
The Guy Who Throws The Ball Over The Fence
The Old Lady
The Guy Who Helps The Old Lady
There's your options. Rank them 1-10 in the comments section. My list is after the break.
Music Video of the Day: Nickelback - Savin' Me
Say what you will about Nickelback, but don't hate on this music video. It's a classic, in my book.
And even if you hate on Nickelback, check out a list of the songs that they've made that were hits:
How You Remind Me
Savin' Me
Far Away
If Everyone Cared
If Today Was Your Last Day
Never Gonna Be Alone
Now, I'll admit that I hate at least 2 of those songs (the last 4 are all contenders) but all of them were played on the radio enough for me to know most of the words.
Performance of the Day - Philip Phillips, Superstition and Thriller
I watched American Idol last night. Sue me. I was stunned by the last person of the night, Philip Phillips (yes, that's actually his name). When he picked up his guitar to play Thriller, it hit me. The guy is a young Dave Matthews. The way he plays, the way he makes weird faces when he sings, the way he can't help but move his feet, the way he moves his hands unbelievably awkwardly without his guitar, his flip flops. Everything about this kid screams Dave, although I much prefer Dave's voice.
And, in comparison, here is a young Dave Matthews:
I'd be willing to bet anything this kid pulls out a Crash cover in Hollywood. Put it in the books.
And, in comparison, here is a young Dave Matthews:
I'd be willing to bet anything this kid pulls out a Crash cover in Hollywood. Put it in the books.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Live Performance of the Day - The Roots, The Seed
The Roots are a really interesting band. I can't tell if I love their sound, or if I hate it. But I do know that i have a ton of respect for them, as they have a ton of musical talent. I think it's because the rapper isn't my favorite, but I could listen to that jam all day long. Plus, they're from Philly, so that's certainly a detriment.
Music Video of the Day: Linkin Park - Numb
Three reasons this got the nod today:
1. That is what the singer from Linkin Park looks like?!
2. It's a good song.
3. "Well, obviously we have a RAPIST in LINKIN PARK! He's climbin' in your windows, snatchin' your people up!"
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Music Video of the Day: Call On Me - Eric Prydz
Sitting around our living room, and I posed the following question to my roommates: what is your favorite music video of all time?
Without hesitation, Tim answered with the following video:
I think we know why.
Performance of the Day - Haley Reinhart, Rolling in the Deep
So when I didn't get to posting the Live Performance of the Day one of the last few days, Jason took control and threw up a Kris Allen performance, my favorite American Idol ever, most likely simply because he beat Adam Lambert. This season had two people that I loved, Casey Abrams and Haley Reinhart. This is Haley. She is a goddess. Her voice is beyond sexy, and I guess the bottom line is, I love her.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Check Out Kenneth Benson Jr. Killing the Drums
My boy. Not giving a shit about rhythm or time or anything musical. Just mashing away at his drums and cymbals and having a grand old time. I watched 6 videos in a row and I have absolutely no reason why. It's just so intriguing.
Live Performance of the Day - Trombone Shorty
I don't know what song this is, as the title of the video is, "Trombone Shorty Gets Funky," and they do nothing less than bring the funk. I can honestly say, after seeing them live at the DMB Caravan in September, that these guys put on a damn good show. They had everyone there dancing like crazy even though 90% of people had no idea who they were. If the quality of the video was better I'd post their performance with Rashawn Ross (Trumpet player for DMB), but I settled for this for the sake of quality. It's a jam and a half.
He doesn't even play the trombone in this video and it's crazy. The man can flat out dance.
He doesn't even play the trombone in this video and it's crazy. The man can flat out dance.
Music Video of the Day: ChrisCo featuring Jon Connor & Marvwon - We Run It (directed by Sean Babas)
Another Sean Babas film for you today. A relatively unknown rapper proving my theory that there are a million rappers out there who can make a good song but won't get a lot of recognition or money because America is a fucked up place. Safe to say that the first dude (in the beanie hat) is a better rapper than Pitbull, Flo Rida, and Nicki Minaj combined.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Music Video of the Day: Don Trip - Letter To My Son (featuring Cee-Lo Green)
Some street shit for you this morning. Just giving you all a glimpse into a day in the life of jaylike.
Nah, just kidding. I don't sell drugs or have a son. But this song really gets emotional, and I think it might be a true story. Not positive. And then he'll throw in a line like this to lighten the mood:
"This is what I get for goin' raw when I piped her"
Live Performance of the Day: The Black Keys, Tighten Up
I just started listening to The Black Keys a couple days ago, and although they're a full band in this video, its amazing how full a sound they create when it's just the drummer and the guitarist.
While watching this, I noticed a few things.
1. The singer is a damn good whistler.
2. The keys on the keyboard are reversed, so the white keys are black. How fresh is that?
3. It blows my mind how the drummers glasses stay on his face. The guy goes hard.
4. The singer looks very similar to Howard from The Big Band Theory. They may actually be twins.
Dave: Beautiful drums, are these yours?
Patrick: No
Dave: Those are nice.
Well done Dave, well done.
While watching this, I noticed a few things.
1. The singer is a damn good whistler.
2. The keys on the keyboard are reversed, so the white keys are black. How fresh is that?
3. It blows my mind how the drummers glasses stay on his face. The guy goes hard.
4. The singer looks very similar to Howard from The Big Band Theory. They may actually be twins.
Dave: Beautiful drums, are these yours?
Patrick: No
Dave: Those are nice.
Well done Dave, well done.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Music Video of the Day: KDrew - One (directed by Sean Babas)
It brings a smile to my face to present you with today's music video. I don't really care about the song (it's catchy enough, I kind of like it) but the director of the video, Sean Babas, is a kid that I met on a cruise one spring break. Just a normal dude, but he's one of the most on-the-rise directors in the music video industry, and as you can see he likes to get creative with his productions and not just showing a house party as the music video. I wish him nothing but the best.
The more I listen to this song, the more I like it.
Live Performance of the Day, Christina Aguilera - Ain't No Other Man
I'm sorry everyone, I was planning on posting yesterday's LPOD when I got home from work, but Jay went ahead and did it anyway. Don't worry, back to real music today. Can I just say, I love Christina Aguilera? Her voice is honestly heaven, and she's certainly entertaining to watch.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Live Performance of the Day: Flux Pavilion - Gold Dust
A little bit of a change-up today in that the live performance does not involve a guitar and is just a man playing a pre-recorded track. Like an early-2000s Britney Spears concert. That's what you get when Chris doesn't post his shit and I have to post it for him.
Two things to look for:
1. How much of a dick does Flux Pavilion look like?
Answer: Like I literally cannot imagine a douchier-looking person.
2. How much fun does a Flux Pavilion show look like?
Answer: Not that fun once you get past the one song of his that anyone knows.
Music Video of the Day: Strange Clouds - B.o.B. featuring Lil' Wayne
Skip to like 2:20 and look at Bobby Ray's hand signal. That's the reason this video got the nod today.
Oh, and I guess two of the best in the game on the same track isn't really a bad thing
I'm top chef, you're top ramen, I'm top shelf
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